How do you announce winter is coming to an end? You spring it on them! Welcome the springtime with a celebration of DC’s greenest and greatest in DC’S LEGION OF BLOOM #1
Derrick Chew Variant Cover:
Mike Perkins Variant Cover:
Vasco Georgiev 1:25 Incentive Variant Cover:
As the flowers bloom, breathe in that Swamp Thing smell. Watch the Blue Beetles fly out from Titans West. Pick a Captain Carrot or two from Floronic Man’s garden, but make sure to avoid the Poison Ivy.
The season may go by in a Flash, but don’t worry—stories like these last forever. Oh, and Wonder Woman will be there, too!
Creative Teams:
- Writers: Kenny Porter; Cavan Scott; Zac Thompson; Julio Anta; Calvin Kasulke; Ashley Allen; Travis Moore
- Artist(s): Travis Moore; Brian Level; Isaac Goodhart; Hayden Sherman; Jacoby Salcedo; Atagun Ilhan
- Cover Artist: Juan Gedeon
- Variant Cover Artists: Derrick Chew; Vasco Georgiev; Mike Perkins
- Format: Oneshot
- Cover Price/Page Count: $9.99/ 80 pages
The DCU goes Green and celebrates Spring in DC’S LEGION OF BLOOM #1, on shelves and digital platforms on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, from DC Comics.