Weapons of the EMPEROR, sent out into the galaxy to track down and kill any Jedi who survived ORDER 66, the ruthless INQUISITORS are among the most skilled and deadly threats to those who served the light side of the Force and take the spotlight in Star Wars: Inquisitors #1
Comic Watch Review: Star Wars: Inquisitors #1 – Jedi Hunt
Chris Sprouse, Karl Story, & Neeraj MenonThe Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary Variant Cover:
Jeremy Wilson 1:25 Incentive Variant Cover:
Star Wars: Inquisitors #2
The EMPEROR has had most of the JEDI exterminated after the events of ORDER 66! Some have escaped! THE INQUISITORS are charged with hunting the survivors down. But there is one, a knight named TENSU RUN, who is on DARTH VADER’S most-wanted list! Who is Tensu Run, and what threat does he pose to the DARK LORD?
Creative Team
- Writer: Rodney Barnes
- Artist: Ramón Rosanas
- Colorist: Guru-eFX
- Letterer: Travis Lanham
- Designer: Carlos Lao
- Cover Artist: Nick Bradshaw & Neeraj Menon
- Variant Cover Artists: Jeremy Wilson; Chris Sprouse, Karl Story, & Neeraj Menon
- Senior Editor: Robert Simpson
- Editor: Mark Paniccia
- Assistant Editor: Mikey J. Basso
- Associate Editor: Danny Khazem & Grace Orriss
- Format: Limited Series
- Cover Price/Page Count: $4.99/28 pages
The Fifth Brother Is On The Hunt For The Rouge Jedi Tensu Run in Star Wars: Inquisitors #2, on shelves & digital platforms on July 3, 2024, from Marvel Comics