Legendary creators Paul Levitz and Alan Davis bring their roller coaster ride of an Avengers tale to a close this week with THE AVENGERS: WAR ACROSS TIME #5. Now is the best time to catch up and jump into this epic conclusion to a story decades in the making!
Comic Watch Coverage: Paul Levitz & Alan Davis Assemble the Original Avengers For a War Across Time!
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Showdown in the future! Will the original Avengers get a glimpse of what awaits them, or will the swirling madness of time swallow them up?
Creative Team
Writer: Paul Levitz
Artist(s): Alan Davis
Colorists: Rachelle Rosenberg
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Designer: Carlos Lao
Cover Artists: Alan Davis & Carlos Lopez
Associate Editor: Annalise Bissa
Editor: Tom Brevort
Format: Limited Series
Cover Price/Page Count: $3.99/28 pages
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THE AVENGERS: WAR ACROSS TIME #5 will be available in stores and on digital storefronts 5/3/2023!