Miles has just got a major upgrade! The new costume MIGHT save his life — or send him even deeper into an unending vampiric bloodlust! It’s a gamble BLACK PANTHER reluctantly makes — if it means stopping Miles’ infection (and preventing a rampaging spider-powered vampire from feeding on half of NYC). This new chapter continues in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #28
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Sara Pichelli and Fredrico Blee Variant Cover:
Javier Garrón Fantastic Four Homage Variant Cover:
Miles Morales: Spider-Man #29
Can SPIDER-MAN hope to defeat BLACK PANTHER at the height of his powers in the heart of his homeland?!
Creative Team
- Writer: Cody Ziglar
- Artist: Daniele Di Nicuolo
- Colorist: Bryan Valenza
- Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
- Designer: Jay Bowen
- Cover Artist: Federico Vincentini & Ceci de la Cruz
- Variant Cover Artists: Sara Pichelli and Fredrico Blee; Javier Garrón
- Group Editor: Nick Lowe
- Editor: Tom Groneman
- Assistant Editor: Kaeden McGahey
- Format: Ongoing
Cover Price/Page Count: $4.99/28 pages
The fight to the (un)death continues between BLACK PANTHER or SPIDER-MAN as Webs of Wakanda continues in Miles Morales: Spider-Man #29 on shelves & digital platforms on January 15, 2025, from Marvel Comics