After the recent events of the adjectiveless Spider-Man title and Amazing Spider-Man, Peter Parker has received a new sidekick alongside a renewed antagonism with Doc Ock. Now, a never-before-seen, former villain from the Superior Spider-Man era appears and threatens New York as Doc Ock continues to plan for his future.
Comic Watch Review: The Superior Spider-Man Returns #1: He’s Still a Jerk!
1:50 Doaly Variant:
Aurantia Suit Video Game Variant:
InHyuk Lee Exclusive ASM 300 Homage Variant:
Ramos Variant:
Skottie Young Variant:
Superior Spider-Man #1
A SUPERIOR RECKONING! SPIDER-MAN faces a NEW VILLAIN from his SUPERIOR past. As she fries New York with all the power of a living star, DOC OCK makes a life-changing discovery! Mark Bagley and Dan Slott continue their Spider-Man run with this 10th-ANNIVERSARY celebration of everything that made Spider-Man Superior.
Creative Team
Writer: Dan Slott
Pencillers: Mark Bagley, Nathan Stockman
Inkers: John Dell, Nathan Stockman
Colorist: Edgar Delgado
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Designer: Jay Bowen
Cover Artists: Mark Bagley & Edgar Delgado
Variant Cover Artist: Humberto Ramos & Edgar Delgado, Skottie Young, Doaly, InHyuk Lee
Editor: Ellie Pyle
Format: Ongoing
Cover Price/Page Count: $5.99/36 pages
Superior Spider-Man #1 will be on shelves and digital platforms Wednesday, November 15 from Marvel Comics.