Star Wars: Darth Vader which has delved deep into the twisted psyche and formidable power of one of the galaxy’s most iconic and complex villains reaches it’s penultimate issue with Star Wars: Darth Vader #49 as Greg Pak bring this gripping comic book series that follows the journey of Darth Vader as he navigates the treacherous path toward embracing his dark destiny to a close.
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Dike Ruan Variant Cover:
Chris Sprouse The Phantom Menace 25th Anniversary Variant Cover:
Kael Ngu 1:25 Incentive Variant Cover:
Star Wars: Darth Vader #49
LUKE SKYWALKER faces the full might of the SCHISM IMPERIAL!
SLY MOORE makes the biggest choice of her life!
The M.A.R. Corps gains the upper hand!
And DARTH VADER confronts the consequences of his ruthless quest for unlimited power!
Creative Team
- Writer: Greg Pak
- Artist: Raffaele Ienco
- Colorist: Federico Blee
- Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramanga
- Cover Artist: Leinil Francis Yu & Romulo Fajardo Jr.
- Variant Cover Artists: Chris Sprouse; Dike Ruan; Kael Ngu
- Senior Editor: Robert Simpson
- Editor: Mark Paniccia
- Assistant Editor: Mikey J. Basso
- Associate Editor: Danny Khazem; Grace Orriss
- Format: Ongoing
- Cover Price/Page Count: $4.99/28 pages
Luke faces the Schism Imperial in Star Wars: Darth Vader #49, the penultimate issue of the series on shelves and digital platforms Wednesday, August 14, 2024, from Marvel Comics.