Marvel revealed more information about the upcoming Spider-Man: Reign II, a sequel to the infamous attempt to give the webhead his own Dark Knight Returns-style of story. The original series saw an old, reduced Peter Parker return to the Spider-Man costume in a dystopian New York. Now, original writer/artist Kaare Andrews returns to the universe to explore what happened to the other Spider-Man (Miles Morales) of this world. The five issue limited series will also return to this interpretation of Peter while also setting up a new Black Cat.
In the press release, Andrews spoke about returning to the Reign Universe, stating:
“I never imagined that I would ever be creating a sequel to a comic series from so long ago, my first major work in comics. Nor did I anticipate that a four-issue mini-series would continue to vibrate in the public consciousness today. But without fail, Spider-Man: Reign is mentioned in articles, lists, and social media posts. Many call it the most infamous Spider-Man story ever told. But for me, what’s kept it relevant is the love behind creating that book. This is the character I grew up with, the one that taught me how to be a man, how to live with failure and keep standing back up, the unrelenting force of trying to make things better.
In addition to the plot details, Marvel also released Andrews’s main and variant cover for issue one, which can be seen below.
Art and Cover by KAARE ANDREWS
Variant Cover by KAARE ANDREWS
Virgin Variant Cover by KAARE ANDREWS
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