Skybound revealed that Void Rivals #1, which kickstarted the Energon Universe, is getting a tenth printing and ten covers in September. The publishing company is also giving the issue a Skybound Gold label due to the quantity of reprints. Void Rivals, which is written by Robert Kirkman with art by Lorenzo De Delici, colors by Matheus Lopes, and lettering from Rus Wooton, follows a group of alien species embroiled in a war for control of the Sacred Ring. Issue one saw the surprise inclusion of the Transformers, which launched the Daniel Warren Johnson flagship title along with the ever expanding set of G.I. Joe titles.
In the press release, de Felici spoke about the title’s relationship to the shared universe, stating:
“10 reprints means at least one thing: the beating heart of the Energon Universe is pumping strong.”
As of writing, the Energon Universe is made up of two ongoing series, Void Rivals and Transformers (plus an upcoming G.I. Joe book) and a host of character focused miniseries like Duke, Cobra Commander, Scarlett, and Destro.
Kirkman discussed the Energon Universe, stating:
“The excitement around the Energon Universe is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. It’s a tremendous honor to be the inaugural series to reach Skybound Gold status. Fingers crossed we’ll soon be seeing a Skybound Platinum edition!”
The ten covers celebrating the gold status can be seen below.
Void Rivals #1 Tenth Printing Variant Cover A (Foil) by Lorenzo De Felici
Void Rivals #1 Tenth Printing Variant Cover B (Darak) by Lorenzo De Felici
Void Rivals #1 Tenth Printing Variant Cover C (Solila) by Lorenzo De Felici
Void Rivals #1 Tenth Printing Variant Cover D (Darak) by Jason Howard
Void Rivals #1 Tenth Printing Variant Cover E (Solila) by Jason Howard
Void Rivals #1 Tenth Printing Variant Cover F by Andrea Milana
Void Rivals #1 Tenth Printing Variant Cover G by Daniel Warren Johnson
Void Rivals #1 Tenth Printing Variant Cover H by E.J. Su
Void Rivals #1 Tenth Printing Variant Cover I by Andrei Bressan
Void Rivals #1 Tenth Printing Variant Cover J by Conor Hughes
Void Rivals #1 Tenth Printing Variant Covers will be available at?comic book shops?and digital platforms on Wednesday, September 11, 2024.