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Witness the Beautiful First Pages of the Upcoming 1982 DC COMICS STYLE MANUAL Printing

Publisher Standards Manual revealed the first full look at the upcoming DC Comics Style Manual, a 1:1 reproduction of the original 1982 document from the comic publisher. Releasing in August, the book features high quality artwork illustrated by Spanish-Argentine artist José Luis García-López and inked by Dick Giordano. In its original form, the Style Manual was a three ringed binder filled with artwork depicting the wider DC Universe in a unified style, along with color palettes that were used as the basis for promotional items and packaging. 

The Style Guide never saw consumer publication, and the version releasing is a combination of pages from 82-85. The Style Manual was very much a living document, with pages being removed and added as DC’s continuity continued to change and grow. DC would use various style guides throughout its history and at a certain point, the various guides were discarded due to changing times. 

The first look at the cover and pages can be seen below: 

The book will be available for pre-order at an early-access price of $90 and will begin shipping August 31, 2024. The book will be available for consumers and retailers from Standards Manual at, and widely available at comic stores, bookstores, and the Official DC Shop in North America through Lunar Distribution.

Witness the Beautiful First Pages of the Upcoming 1982 DC COMICS STYLE MANUAL Printing
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