With Team Arrow completely dismantled, do Oliver and Felicity have what it takes to take down Ricardo Diaz once and for all? And can Oliver find a way to maintain a hold onto his position as mayor of Star City?
Arrow – “Fundamentals”, Season 6, Episode 18
Airdate: April 12th, 2018
Director: Ben Hernandez Bray
Writer: Greg Berlanti & Marc Guggenheim
Based on the DC Comics Created by: Mort Weisinger & George Papp
What You Should Know:
I’m starting to feel like a broken record in this section lately. Diaz is still on the loose. Last episode, Diggle left the team and DA Armand and Captain Hill accused Oliver of obstruction of justice, an impeachable offense.
What You’ll Find Out:
I’m going to keep this relatively brief because essentially, this episode is one in which nothing actually happened. In a pre-meeting before the formal impeachment proceedings, Oliver is drugged with Vertigo by yet another high ranking official working for Diaz. It takes the episode a while to reveal that Oliver is drugged, but longtime viewers no doubt noticed something was amiss pretty quickly. Oliver lashes out angrily over almost nothing, smashing William’s science project and angering Felicity. From this point forward, there is a series of events that are mostly hallucinations, from Felicity asking for a separation to Prometheus invading the Arrow-cave to fight and confuse Ollie. The only sequence I came out of it all wondering if it really happened was the talk with Quentin after not-Felicity asked for space. The only reason I question it is because it seems like it really happened, but Quentin hasn’t exactly been very “wise” this season, so his words of encouragement felt out of place.
In the end, Oliver, still tripping balls, tried to go after Diaz to stop him once and for all by himself, despite the fact that Diaz had him horribly out-manned and outgunned. Felicity talked Ollie down, thankfully.
What Just Happened?
What just happened, you ask? Well, basically, nothing. Following this episode, nothing has changed. Oliver had a chance to come out to the board as Green Arrow because he had illegally obtained information that linked Armand and Hill to Diaz, but being so under-the-influence, Quentin stopped him and delayed the meeting, so that never came to fruition. Instead of furthering the narrative in any number of ways, this episode instead chose to point out to the viewers all of the guilt that Oliver is carrying, which is no shock to any longtime viewer, as Ollie’s guilt has been a driving force since the very first episode.
Rating: 5/10
Final Thought: The best thing I can say about this episode was that I watched the whole thing, thus the 5 rating.
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