Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Coulson lookalike Sarge and his Crew continue their robbing spree while Fitz -- no longer frozen in his pod and on an alien vessel with Enoch -- displays his prowess at speaking alien languages and fixing alien equipment while the Zephyr chases him around the galaxy.
Spoiler Level: High
Sarge and his crew need some supplies and snacks from the quickie mart. Messy, messy, messy. They drive off in their Big Ass Invisible Truck (B.A.I.T.).
Director Mackenzie briefs his Agents on Sarge and his gang. For the moment, Mack is playing down May’s concerns over seeing Coulson till they find out what he is.
Back in the bad guy’s lair, Jaco is on some breathing equipment which apparently emits an unpleasant odor to his team mates. But we do get a valuable clue when Sarge says Jaco hasn’t had his home world’s atmosphere in 9 years. So now the group’s origin is narrowed down to the “Not From This Earth” category.
As Benson examines the wall with Tinker’s body phased partially through, Mack and May bring him more things to investigate. Benson asks them about the LMDs saying there’s already been one Coulson LMD. But we, the in-the-know audience, already know that it’s not LMDs.
Out in space, weird eyed Fitz is doing maintenance work and speaking in an alien language on a space vessel. He jumps at seeing a Xandarian snail swimming through the pipes which tips off a woman because everyone knows that Xandarian snails are a delicacy. She questions Fitz about where he is from. When he tells her “The Far North” it sets off suspicion in the woman because the north on the planet they are from is a radioactive wasteland. The aliens corner Fitz and accuse him of using an Iris machine to change his eyes. After a few punches Fitz’s eyes return to normal. The aliens are now on to him and they pull a panel off the wall and expose Enoch. The leader, Viro, enters and, speaking the King’s English, says “I don’t recall letting any Terrans on board”. Aliens always resort to Latin when referring to Earth. Fitz tries to argue that he’s their best mechanic. Such a genius that Leopold Fitz! He can adapt to alien linguistics AND repair alien machines! Very convenient to have around I’d say.
Back on Earth (or Terra for the extraterrestrial set) in a shipping yard Pax suggests they all take a breather here for awhile but hits a nerve with Sarge when he inquires what Sarge did in his “past life”. Bad choice of words, dude!
Yo-Yo tries to offer some support to Keller who is mourning the loss of his friend, Agent Fox who was killed during the museum caper. Elsewhere in the Lighthouse, Mack, May and Yo-Yo are about to head out to investigate the shipping yard when Benson interrupts them, bitching about being kept in the dark about Coulson which pisses off May and she gets in his face and tells him off. Benson lets them know that the DNA from the convenience store robbery originally appeared to be alien but when he stripped certain markers away it was a 100% match for Phillip J. Coulson!
After fixing the airlock, Fitz and Enoch earn Viro’s permission to live. Back on Earth, Sarge’s gang robs a jewelry store in order to acquire “P.E.G.s”. After taking the clerk hostage, they open a portal into the vault. After snubbing such worthless pebbles as diamonds, the robbers find what they want in some precious crystals.
May’s team arrives but are unable to get into the vault. She deduces the robber’s escape plan and heads back to the shipping yard.
On the space ship, Fitz tries to stand up for the aliens he’s replaced as mechanic and who are about to be sent out an airlock. Viro says Fitz doesn’t look much like a fighter…contradicting the bad ass Errol Flynn Fitz displays saving Jemma in the future last season. So instead of fighting, Fitz drops his giant wrench and joins the aliens who are being flushed into space. So noble. But Enoch has tampered with the controls so when Viro hits the button another airlock opens and it’s he and his men who are sucked out into space. Come on, Viro, you didn’t see that coming? Now Fitz and Enoch have gained the friendship and trust of the alien workers.
May takes out Pax then Jaco and passes through the portal to the vault looking for Sarge. More May-Fu ensues as she saves the store clerk and fights Sarge’s crew back and forth between the vault and the ship yard. When she finally confronts Sarge-Coulson, she’s thrown back into the vault and the portal closes.
Benson offers Mack a stiff drink and tells him he’s finally cracked the chip they found on the concrete guy. He shows Mack the video he pulled off it which appears to show another world falling to pieces. It also shows Jaco…and Sarge.
Epilogue: Fitz decides to detour the ship in order to take the aliens to a place where they will be safe. As they head off, the Zephyr arrives through a wormhole where the ship just was.
Originally I was a huge fan of Fitz and Simmons and rooted for their slowly blossoming romance. But over the seasons their brains have expanded to the point where there is literally nothing they cannot do. The writers don’t even bother any more to tell us things like how Fitz learned an alien language well enough to speak it or how he can fix things that didn’t even originate from Earth. Are wrenches a standard tool throughout the galaxy and all look alike? I have enough trouble dealing with metrics! I suppose the aliens have tools to match whatever measuring system they are on but still how would Fitz have the knowledge to work on equipment belonging to a world he has never been to? It’s kinda sorta like if you or I tried to master Photo Shop in 30 minutes. Between now and whenever this space adventure wraps up will we see how Fitz went from brainiac to skilled fighter? What about his split personality? Was his Mr. Hyde just a one time thing for the convenience of the writers? Jemma’s not any better. When the two of them appeared at the beginning of the show they were fairly young. But since then Jemma has shown skills in every manner of science out there. She can go from doing quantum mechanics to performing a complex operation on a person. There is a level of suspension of disbelief we must have to view shows like this but the writers must not be allowed to think we will swallow anything. Knowing that the series has already been renewed for a 7th season, I hope they can bring the Agents back down to Earth and stay there and bring in some super villains to fight. There is a wealth of material they can use from the comics but the producers seem intent on avoiding it as much as possible. They were really hitting a good stride back in season four but since then it’s been downhill. Now that S.H.I.E.L.D. is back in business let’s see them engaged in some real peace keeping adventures across the world. Bring Bobby Morse back and this time make her into the super hero Mockingbird with name and costume. The show has so much potential and there’s still time to do some serious stuff instead running around outer space and having people die and come back over and over.
Final Thoughts
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. seems too preoccupied with aliens of late. We seem to be going over much of the type of things we saw last season. At a time when the country is dealing with tribalism and xenophobia it would be nice if the show would go in a different direction then they are doing here. Half of last season was set in space fighting aliens and this season they're not only doing it again but the Agents seem to be fighting aliens on Earth. Again.
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S6E02: The Great P.E.G. Robbery
- Writing - 6/106/10
- Storyline - 5/105/10
- Acting - 8/108/10
- Music - 9/109/10
- Production - 9/109/10