EPISODE REVIEW: Supernatural S13 Ep15 “A Most Holy Man” An Imperfect World
One man’s heist is another man’s … steal? Sam and Dean become embroiled in the theft of a religious artifact all in the name of some holy blood.
DetailsOne man’s heist is another man’s … steal? Sam and Dean become embroiled in the theft of a religious artifact all in the name of some holy blood.
DetailsSometimes heroes aren’t born, they’re made. Or their DNA has switched around and given abilities for an episode. Either way, Iris becomes something more for Team Flash, and for herself. A bus meta trying to help people by taking powers from dangerous metas accidentally switches Barry and Iris’s DNA, granting Iris the speed of the Flash. Will she be enough to protect Star City?
DetailsThe gang is back in the present, someone else is back from the dead and General Hale would like to see the Agents dead!
DetailsMary and Jack make a new friend in a world full of enemies while Dean, Sam, and Cas impatiently wait for Donatello to find the necessary spell to open the portal. What Donatello reveals, though, might not be what they’re expecting.
DetailsCayden James has been defeated, but in his place a new threat rises—Dominik Diaz. Can the fractured Arrow Family teams put aside old differences and come together to face this new threat? Will Star City collapse from a government shutdown? Can Quentin save Laurel Lance from a life of villainy?
DetailsDC and Marvel come to TV in the conclusion of our trip through the 70’s!
DetailsThings continue to heat up in Central City, and bodies continue to drop, as the impending final battle with The Thinker draws ever closer for Barry and the rest of Team Flash.
DetailsLegion Season 2 teaser trailer assures you it’s all in your head. When you’re David Haller, one of the most powerful Mutants on earth, the illegitimate son of Charles Xavier, and suffering from multiple personality disorder, what is real, what is imagined, and what takes place somewhere in between is almost impossible to discern.
DetailsAltered Carbon: a genre mashup futuristic noir mystery set in a society with the technology to switch bodies.
DetailsFreshly escaped, Castiel reunites with Sam and Dean and the chase is on to catch Lucifer before the devil regains his power – and piles up bodies along the way.
DetailsDeath filled episode! Including an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!!!!
DetailsThe Flash had its hand and played it foolishly last week, but this week’s episode has redeemed its predecessor.