It’s Fitz vs Mr Hyde!
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Airdate March 23, 2018, ABC Fridays 9pm
Created by Joss Whedon, Jed Whedon, Maurissa Tancharoen
Production Company ABC Studios & Marvel Television
What You Should Know:
Previously on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. desperate to close the rift to the Fear Dimension, the Agents made a daring raid on a floating cargo ship in the sky in search of Gravitonium. But when they arrived they discovered someone else beat them to the Gravitonium and only a small sample remained. Elsewhere, General Hale went about convincing Werner von Strucker (Alex Braun) to join her team. And Deke figured out Jemma and Leopold are his grandparents.
What You’ll Find Out:
(SPOILERS AHEAD!) The Astronaut materializes somewhere in the Lighthouse. Fitz is doing some welding and craving British junk food. There’s a problem with the Gravitonium obtained from the Principia. It needs. It needs to be compressed so it will fit into the small containment vessel.
Elena’s arm is wired up to the mechanical arm from the Mech Mack brought back. Mack is recording some diagnostics from the test he is running on Elena so he can give them to Fitz. Elena wants to feel useful so she suggests she could watch out for anomalies.
Fitz doesn’t know how he is going to get the Gravitonium compressed. He decides to look for Dr. Franklin Hall’s original notes. Deke, fumbling over his words, tells Leopold and Jemma to be careful — you know because they need their brains and all…because they’re smart. Daisy gets a tracking hit on the computer.
General Hale is being chauffeured and talking to someone on the phone. “I was unaware the timetable was so strict,” she says. Her tone is as though she is speaking to a superior. The car drives straight up a ramp into the cloaked Zephyr and a gas grenade is thrown into the car. Coulson, Piper, and May have their weapons drawn on the vehicle. Coulson says to radio home, they bagged the General (and a low rate on car insurance!).
Fitz is welding some more. Deke speaks to him but Fitz remains silent. Deke offers to help him out and Fitz knocks him out with a pipe. Fitz, acting very self-assured, tells the unconscious Deke “No, I’m the only doctor here”. He takes off his welding overalls and straightens his suit underneath.
Coulson sits down for a talk with General Hale. He wants to know why she has declared war on his people. She says she’s a General in the US Air Force and Coulson is the leader of a domestic terrorist organization. Hale says she is trying to prevent our extinction.
Fitz, who is back in his casual suit, tells Daisy he couldn’t find any notes from Dr. Hall. He pushes her away from the computer rudely. Daisy tells him she has searched and there are no scanned records of Dr. Hall. Fitz slams his hand down on the computer. Deprived of sleep and desperate for a solution to the Gravitonium issue, Leopold is freaking out. Daisy goes to check on 2 cameras they just lost on the monitor. Fitz sits, mumbling to himself to think. The Doctor (Fitz in the nice suit) enters the room and tells Fitz he’s on the right track. Fitz asks The Doctor “What are you doing here?”. The Doctor responds “What you are unwilling to do”.
Fitz: “This can’t be real!”
The Doctor: “Like the Astronaut wasn’t real? Like the world…my world (the Framework) that you destroyed wasn’t real?”
A terrified Fitz continues his parlez with The Doctor, a mirror image of himself yet not himself until he hears a loud noise and Jemma calling out to him. Then he runs out of the room to her.
Meanwhile, Coulson continues to grill General Hale in the interrogation room. He wants to know why she wants the Gravitonium “to save the world”. But, while she admires him, she doesn’t trust Coulson. She wants him to come with her so she can show him what they’re really up against.
Elsewhere, Piper tells May that she tried to pull the driver out of the car but couldn’t lift him. That he was like a statue. They go to the car with guns drawn. “Get out of the car, Mr. Creel” May orders. He complies, pulling his Mech mask off. He suggests they listen to Hale then lifts his jacket to reveal explosives tied to his body.
A smaller plane docks with the Zephyr. Out steps Anton (leader of the Watch Dogs as The Superior).
Fitz makes it to the room with Elena, Jemma, and Mack where a Mech burst in and shot Mack in the leg before Mack took it out. It was the same Mech which Mack had brought on board for Elena in a deactivated condition. They know it’s not an anomaly, but don’t know how it got put back together again. But Fitz knows. He tells them, nervously stuttering, that it was The Doctor from The Framework, Leopold. He’s here.
Anton is demanding Coulson bring Hale to him or Creel will blow the Zephyr out of the sky.
Fitz blames himself for not getting the rift closed in time and now his greatest fear is there among them. Jemma tries to get Fitz to think like The Doctor and figure out what he wants. They remember the Inhuman experimentation. And that they don’t know where Daisy is. Fitz says he’ll find her.
Daisy can’t find anything wrong with the cameras. She turns around and is over-powered by what appears to be a Mech.
Creel and Hale join Anton. Hale says Anton is an android programmed by Leopold Fitz. Hale still wants Couslon to come with her. He agrees if she lets his people get away unharmed. She agrees to his terms.
When Daisy comes to, she finds The Doctor shining a light in her eyes. She calls him “Fitz” and he says “That’s not the way to address a Hydra superior”. He has her restrained, her head in a vice. She says he’s not Fitz. just another anomaly. The Doctor says he helps people like he’s going to do now by restoring her powers. He starts to surgically remove the power inhibitor from her neck. As the smaller plane takes off from the Zephyr with Coulson, Hale, Creel, and Anton, Daisy pleads with The Doctor to stop or her powers could destroy the world. But The Doctor says it may be the rift that destroys the world and Daisy’s powers may be able to save it. Her powers can compress the Gravitonium to fit into the device and shut down the rift. Then Fitz arrives on the scene.
Mack, with his wounded leg, continues to watch and safeguard Elena. She tells Mack he saw her in the Lighthouse in the future so nothing is going to happen to her. He believes, though, their actions to change the future means she could still die. Jemma rushes off to find Fitz and Daisy.
Fear-stricken and coming unglued, Fitz continues arguing with The Doctor who says he restored the Mech to keep Mack away so he could remove the inhibitor. Daisy yells “Who are you talking to?” as Jemma enters the room and finds only Fitz.
The Doctor is gone. Daisy cries out to Jemma to help her. Jemma quietly approaches Fitz and asks him to put the scalpel down. Fitz says it’s not him. Jemma tells him it wasn’t an anomaly.
“It was you. Programming the robots. Keeping everyone busy. All done to isolate Daisy” Jemma tells him. But he tells her no. There’s no turning back.
In comes a robot with Deke as hostage. Fitz programmed the robot Mech to make sure he followed through with Daisy. He says he wouldn’t have done any of this if he didn’t believe it was going to work. The science is sound. Daisy’s abilities as Quake can compress the Gravitonium and they can seal the rift for good.
Fitz continues operating on Daisy. “I will never forgive you” she yells at him. The room begins shaking as Fitz pulls out the inhibitor. Daisy does as Fitz asks and compresses the Gravitonium and inserts it into the sphere. Then Fitz clasps his hands behind his head and drops to his knees. The sphere is used to collapse the rift.
Jemma speaks to Fitz through his cell. She asks how long he has been seeing “him”. Fitz replies for a while now. Since they left The Framework. Jemma tells him he had a psychic split. The dark persona wasn’t him. But Fitz says it is.
Deke tries to comfort Jemma who feels she is losing Fitz. Through their conversation, she figures out Deke is her grandson. Then she vomits.
Epilogue: Hale reports to an unseen male voice. The man (Peter Mensah) approaches her, still draped in shadows.He tells her she is here because The Confederacy allows it. He also tells her “If one faces failure, you drink the Odium”.
He ends the conversation with “Hail Hydra!”.
What This Means For The Future:
Can Jemma and Leopold’s “marriage” survive this? Joss Whedon used to say happy couples are boring. I’m sure everyone will forgive him. Next Week: “Inside Voices”…Coulson is forced to team up with surprising allies to save the world, while the S.H.I.E.L.D. team attempts to track down and rescue them.
Final Thought: I have mixed feelings about this episode. On the surface, it was a good episode (although I found it predictable). Fitz’s state could explain how he went from a swashbuckling Rambo back to nerdy scientist. I do believe, however, if they are going to tell us he’s been schizo since The Framework they should have shown hints of it along the way. They have been in worse situations that might have brought out Fitz’s “Mr. Hyde” than shrinking some Gravitonium. On that subject, I kept asking myself over and over why doesn’t he just build a bigger sphere? It’s ridiculous the things Jemma and Fitz come up with at the last second.
Oh, and I am ever so over Hydra! The second half of last season was Hydra heavy so do something else! Bring in A.I.M. (Advanced Idea Mechanics). They were always the antithesis of S.H.I.E.L.D. anyway. The Man in the Shadows at the end was Peter Mensah who starred in last year’s Midnight Texas and was featured in Starz’s Spartacus series so he might be someone big. The odium, obviously, is the Kree who will likely return before the end of the season. They should do something with the Skrulls! It would be easy for them to do without fear of bumping into the movies. The Skrulls might be masquerading as anyone…a pretty cheap effect.
By the way, I found out that Elena is in the comic books but they call her Slingshot (not bad). But here we get “Yo-Yo”. Yo.Yo. Apparently, there is a web series called “Slingshot” which I have not seen.
Rating: 8/10
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs Fridays at 9:00 on most ABC stations. Check your local listings.
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