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EPISODE REVIEW: Supernatural S13 Ep17 “The Thing” …From Beyond?

It’s back to work for the Winchesters, and that means finding the most mysterious ingredient for their spell. Too bad it didn’t come wrapped in caution tape….

Supernatural – “The Thing”, Season 13, Episode 17
Airdate: April 5, 2018
Director: John F. Showalter
Writer: Davy Perez
Created by: Eric Kripke

What You Should Know:

Born of both hunter blood and the blood of Men of Letters, Sam and Dean are what is known as Legacies. Living in an old Men of Letters bunker. They also now have half the ingredients for the spell they need to open the rift to Apocalypse World.

With time running out, the pressure’s on to find the Seal of Solomon.

Arthur Ketch, former hitman for the British Men of Letters, has been working for Asmodeus. In an effort to gain information he recently came clean about his affiliation with Asmodeus to the Winchester brothers, but he did not tell them that Asmodeus has been keeping the archangel Gabriel captive.

What You’ll Find Out:

Portsmouth, Rhode Island. 1925:

A group of men, donning robes adorned with an altered version of the Men of Letters sigil, drag a young woman into an underground room. As the rest of the men begin chanting in a foreign language a couple of them lift the woman onto a sacrificial stone slab and chain her down, ignoring her pleas for mercy. One man then stands beside her, a bowl with unknown ingredients between them, and lifts a necklace bearing a large, purple stone pendant as he joins the chant. The purple stone glows and a matching rift tears through the air over the woman, where a mysterious tentacle-like limb stretches down to her.

Present Day:

Dean finds Sam asleep over the latest book he’s been pouring through and is unable to stop himself from planting several juvenile post-it notes on his brother’s back. Sam stirs after the fourth and Dean quickly pretends to have just walked into the room, asking Sam what he’s reading.

Sam brushes off his initial suspicion and informs Dean that he found something involving the Seal of Solomon, indicating the Seal could be some sort of jewel or piece of an asteroid. Unfortunately this information does little good, as nothing in the book reveals the Seal’s potential location. Dean concludes, then, that despite having gone through their extensive collection of information provided by the Men of Letters, they’ve got exactly nothing on where to find this mysterious piece of “Kryptonite.” Meaning it’s time to go through the library – again.

After a few hours of pouring over more books in the bunker’s library they take a break and Sam finally finds the post-its on his back. He yells at Dean just in time for Dean to come rushing in with a lock box and renewed energy – the Men of Letters found the Seal years ago, and he’s found the journal to prove it. Best of all, the journal includes mention of where the Men of Letters relocated the Seal. Their Rhode Island Chapter House.

The brothers make their way to Portsmouth, Rhode Island and find a large, old building with no apparent front door. The shrubbery is overgrown, indicating abandonment. But as Dean asks aloud where the door is, Sam discovers a manhole cover with the altered Men of Letters symbol emblazoned over a keyhole. Using their master key, Sam unlocks the manhole and the brothers drop into the underground Chapter House, which isn’t so abandoned as to not still have some electricity. They find an office full of books and, with varying degrees of enthusiasm, it’s back to the grind.

Neither quite knowing where to start, Sam skims book titles and Dean walks around the desk in the middle of the room, finding a pile of old photos. One particular photo, off to the side, catches his eye. The picture is of the woman from 1925. It’s labeled Sandy Porter, born 1903. Sam finds an old leather file pouch with papers sticking out of it – papers labeled SOLOMON, 1917. He picks the bundle up as he calls to Dean, knocking something over and making a loud noise in the process. Before he can properly tell Dean about his find someone cries out from down the hall, their voice muffled. Desperate.

When it sounds again both brothers take off down the hall to search for it, following the voice – definitely female – until they come to a locked door. They break it down and step into a large chamber, finding Sandy Porter chained to a slab of stone in the middle of the room. Just as she was in 1925. As soon as they draw near Dean recognizes her from the photo and asks her her name, confirming her identity. She says she doesn’t know how long she’s been trapped down there and the boys promise to help her.

Meanwhile, Ketch strides up to a door guarded by a demon, demanding to speak with Asmodeus. The guard refuses to let him in, despite that Asmodeus was the one who called for Ketch, claiming Asmodeus to be “busy.” Leaving Ketch forced to wait.

Sam, Dean, and Sandy make it out of the Chapter House. Sandy’s in shock over the idea that she could somehow have possibly survived for almost 100 years and not know it.

Ketch, pretending to read a kiddie magazine while he waits, takes advantage of the guard’s preoccupation with cat videos and slips quickly inside Asmodeus’ office. Where he learns the secret to Asmodeus’ extra powers when he catches Asmodeus extracting grace from Gabriel and injecting it into his own arm like a drug. Ketch, visibly thrown off, takes a moment to make his presence known. The guard bursts in with apology, lamely insisting how he’d tried to stop Ketch, which Asmodeus doesn’t buy. Ketch reminds Asmodeus that he called for him, hence his arrival, and Asmodeus steps up to him. Gabriel flinches and whimpers with Asmodeus’ movement. Taking Ketch by the shoulders and walking him out, Asmodeus informs him that he summoned Ketch because Ketch works for him, that he ‘needs’ Ketch when he needs him, and in the meantime he should “be a good lad, and wait.” Ketch argues this is against their arrangement, but when Asmodeus’ eyes change, indicating the activating of his demonic power, Ketch wisely opts to comply and reclaims his seat on the bench.

Dean and Sam take Sandy to a nearby diner, where Sandy looks around in awe that “everything’s so … electric.” They’re sat at a booth with a mini jukebox and Sandy begins poking at it curiously, so Dean pops some change into it and the diner fills with music. As they’re greeted by their sassy waitress the chef, Marco, with an easy view of the dining area, notices Sandy and turns away to extract his cell phone. On his wrist is a Men of Letters tattoo, complete with the matching alteration from the Chapter House. He calls a young woman to tell her they have a problem and she agrees, as she’s currently standing in the now-empty chamber where Sandy was previously chained up.

Alone again, Sandy’s starting to freak out about still being alive after all this time. She asks Sam and Dean how such a thing is possible, and why they’re not freaking out about it, and Dean sort of awkwardly tells her “this sort of weird … is kind of our thing.” Sam adds they don’t yet know the answer, but they’re sure they can help her. Sandy doesn’t understand what Dean means, but doesn’t seem to linger on it when they ask how all this started. She remembers meeting a man who identified himself as a member of the Men of Letters, which she had no idea what that was, and Sam and Dean are surprised to learn the Men of Letters may have been responsible for her abduction from the start. She goes on to say how she was brought to that room, there was chanting, and then there was a rip in the space above her. This gets Dean and Sam’s attention.

Sandy becomes more emotional as she quietly exclaims that the men were using her to feed it – the monster that emerged from the rip. The waitress returns with coffee and Sandy suddenly gets up, forcing Sam to move, as she needs space. Marco watches her go from behind the counter and hurriedly extracts a suspicious bottle from his pocket. He squeezes off just a few drops over each of their foods before tucking the bottle away and pulling out a sharp, curved dagger.

Ketch returns to Asmodeus’ office at Asmodeus’ summons, Gabriel once more locked up. Asmodeus informs Ketch about the Winchester brother’s attempts to retrieve the ingredients for a particular spell. Ketch confirms he already knew, even adding that he knew “their pet angel was just in the holy land.” This upsets Asmodeus, as Ketch knew this information and didn’t share it with him. So he lets it be known that he’ll be the one to decide whether or not he needs to know something from now on. Then he announces that, since they’re getting the spell from the demon tablet, they’re going to need – among other things – the grace of an archangel. It’s not lost on Ketch the irony of this.

Asmodeus further states that he thinks it’s time to iron out their particular arrangement. Ketch views it as a simple, straightforward, business transaction. Payment, action, end. Repeat. Asmodeus disagrees. He views Ketch as a possession. Realizing he’s overstayed his welcome, Ketch goes to make a tactful retreat, but comes up short when Asmodeus cuts him off with a sharp punch to his gut. Ketch barely picks himself back up before Asmodeus resumes his attack, beating on Ketch to drive home his dominance. Gabriel watches from the cell at the side of the room, as if mesmerized and horrified at the same time. Asmodeus leaves Ketch bloody on the ground with a vicious command to remember his place before walking off to clean the blood from his white suit.

Back at the diner, while Sandy is still in the restroom, Dean and Sam discuss the absurdity of the situation. She’s passed all of their standard monster tests – holy water, salt, silver, etc – meaning she must be human. But she’s been locked underground for some ninety years without aging, apparently kidnapped by the Men of Letters, which Dean finds hard to believe since they’re “boring.” Making the situation extra preposterous, Sandy claims she was being used to feed a monster from what sounds like another world since her description matches that of a rift between realities. Oh, and the Men of Letters (American Chapter) went basically extinct roughly sixty years prior. Which Sam argues makes them “not boring after all.”

With their discussion leading them nowhere, Sam suggests Dean take Sandy somewhere safe while he returns to the Chapter House for further investigation. Dean vetoes the idea before Sam can finish voicing it, but his own idea of setting Sandy up in a motel by herself is interrupted by the arrival of their food. Dean teases Sam about eating a garnish for dinner as Sam takes a bite of his kale. Behind them another customer, about to leave, happens to notice the diner has become surrounded by cult-like figures in ankle-length red robes and raised hoods. He steps to the center of the diner, calling for someone’s attention, announcing that something odd is happening. Dean turns his gaze out the window and notices the figures as well. He tells Sam to find Sandy, but the sedative Marco placed in the food has already hit Sam and Sam’s struggling to stay conscious. Dean looks back to his unresponsive brother moments before Sam’s head hits the table.

Sandy exits the bathroom just before the lights go out and a line of the robed figures files into the restaurant. Dean stands, gun in hand, and ushers Sandy over to him, to stay at the table with Sam. As he does so Marco comes up to him with the dagger and the pair struggle briefly before Dean gets him down. The robed figures come at Dean, as he’s the only one presenting a challenge. He manages to best the first before his struggle with the next rolls him out of the dining area and into the kitchen. His opponent gets a chokehold on him for a moment and, through the swinging door, Dean sees Sam starting to waken. He’s able to call out to Sam, but Sam, still disoriented, is quickly caught by Marco and another robbed figure and dragged away. Dean manages to get his enemy off him but finds himself on the floor without a weapon. The robbed figure rushes toward him, a blade raised as if to kill him, when another blade impales its heart from behind. As the figure falls it reveals Sandy behind it, her eyes wide and expression uncertain. Dean gets to his feet and rushes back to the dining area, but Sam is already gone. Sandy follows behind him, both ignoring the waitresses who’d huddled up against the far wall in terror. Dean can see through the slats in the blinds that several robbed figures are still waiting outside.

While Dean is in the back making Molotov cocktails, the customer who’d earlier discovered the attackers and the waitresses discuss contacting the police. And how hard that’ll be, since none of their phones are working – not even the restaurant’s landline. Sandy goes over to one of the bodies and rolls him over to see his face, revealing a Sheriff’s uniform in the process. So much for calling the police. She goes to Dean, asking what he’s doing, so Dean tersely explains, “they took my brother, I’m gonna take him back,” as he continues putting his arsenal together.

Sam is unmasked out in the forest, away from the diner, finding himself on his knees in front of Marco and the woman Marco called before. The woman now dons one of the red robes, which bears the altered Men of Letters crest. They demand to know how he found the creature, which they describe as “less a monster, more a god,” as well as how he found their Chapter House. Confused at that description, Sam answers the second question vaguely, admitting that his family has Men of Letters heritage. This seems to surprise them, and the female admits they do, as well … mostly.

Their great grandfather was a member, and a war survivor, and he returned from war with a new conviction. He believed humanity needed to be reborn. So he sought to summon a new god to the Earth. Sandy was to be its sacrifice. But the ritual didn’t go as planned. The beast consumed Sandy, taking over her, and destroyed nearly everyone. The Men of Letters were forced to abandon both the Chapter House and the survivors, but Marco and his family have been keeping watch over what lives within Sandy ever since. They explain that all the creature wants is to feed and to breed, and since they’ve never found a way to kill her, all they could do was lock her up. Keeping her starved. Keeping her weak. Because “if she gets food in her belly” it’s all over.

Asmodeus returns to find Ketch resting, barely conscious, against a pillar. He strides up to an open box containing several waiting vials of extracted archangel grace and injects himself again before he starts speaking, accusing Ketch of being more wicked than even the worst demon. Voice weak and lacking any conviction, Ketch defends himself with the notion that he at least retains his human soul. A detail which Asmodeus views as a downfall, not a benefit. “Souls are messy,” after all. He taunts Ketch, claiming to understand Ketch’s true character and desires. He calls Ketch out on hiding his own fear and guilt beneath the cold and calculated mask he presents to the world. And on claiming to have some highly-held code, handed down by the Men of Letters, when he’s also working for the reigning King of Hell. Asmodeus assures Ketch that the redemption Ketch seeks is too far outside his grasp before reminding him in no uncertain terms that Ketch belongs to him. No matter how far he runs or where he hides.

The two frightened waitresses and the remaining civilian customer pace around the dining area, looking cautiously through the slats in the blinds. Only this time they realize the robbed figures have all disappeared. Unwilling to simply assume it’s safe to flee, the waitresses decide someone should be sent to scout the area – and that their male customer is the man for the job. Despite his protests, he’s sent outside with a steak knife to protect himself. Barely a dozen feet from the building he finds the first robbed body, then the rest, scattered around. All dead on the ground. When he turns he finds Sandy approaching with an innocent smile. He greets her, but when she opens her mouth a large, slick tentacle with shoots from her mouth and latches onto him. Sucking the life from him.

Having heard the customer’s cry of terror, Dean grabs his gun and rushes outside. He finds Sandy kneeling beside the body at a curious angle and calls her name. Sandy stands and turns and in the next instant her tentacle again shoots from her mouth, straight at Dean.

Alone again, with Gabriel as a witness, Ketch gathers himself. He spots Gabriel watching him and snaps at the imprisoned archangel before an idea strikes him. Recognizing the best opportunity he has, Ketch approaches the cell, causing Gabriel to move away from the bars in fear, and declares “it’s time for a rescue.” He manages to open the gate, steals the Archangel Blade from its housing across the room, and winds up having to physically drag a terrified and resisting Gabriel from the cage.

Sam makes it back to the diner, nearly getting smacked in the face with a frying pan by a frightened waitress, before learning that Dean has disappeared. The rest of the bodies are still littering the ground, confirming that Sandy has eaten. But when Sam voices confusion as to why Dean’s body wouldn’t be there with the others, Marco reminds him of Sandy’s only other goal: breeding.

Dean regains consciousness to find himself chained to the very slab of stone they’d rescued Sandy from, with Sandy herself – or what’s become of her – moving around nearby. She tells him Sandy’s been dead for a long time and with very little prompting on Dean’s part, she tells him her whole story. How she was known by several rather frightening names in the other universe. That she has a mate, who is still trapped on other side of the rift, because the humans who were stupid enough to allow her through managed to close the rift before he could follow after her. But it was always supposed to be the both of them. And she tells Dean how she enjoys looking at his face, and so has decided to grant him the privilege of being her mate’s host body, as she intends to re-open that rift and allow him through. To which Dean declares he’d really rather not, actually, be a part of their “kink.”

Sandy ignores him, produces the Seal of Solomon, and begins her chant. The rift opens up overhead and Dean narrowly dodges the first lunge of a seeking tentacle, then a second. Sam, followed by Marco and his sister, rush into the room and Sam opens fire. Sandy goes to intervene, the Seal of Solomon hanging around her neck. Somehow the three of them manage to knock Sandy off balance just enough for her to stumble back into the sacrificial table, where Dean, who has since extricated at least one arm from confinement, rolls forward and snatches the necklace from her. Dean throws it to Marco’s sister, who aims a different spell at the rift. Breaking the summons. Without a new host body to attach to, once again Sandy’s mate is forced to withdraw. Only this time he wraps his tentacles around her and takes her with him back into the rift.

With the mess cleaned up, Dean and Sam explain to their new comrades why they’d come to Rhode Island in the first place. Why they need the Seal of Solomon. Marco explains that to open the right door they’ll need something – an item – that’s been to the world they’re trying to get to. His sister cautions them that the door only stays open for 24 hours at a time. Not to mention the danger of whatever’s on the other side. With those words of warning, the siblings hand over the Seal of Solomon.

Returning home to the bunker with the Seal of Solomon solidly in their possession, the brothers take a moment to accept their victory as they deposit their respective travelling bags on the main table. Mid-speech about their only remaining necessary ingredient – the grace of an archangel – Ketch steps into view from across the table. Sam and Dean immediately draw their guns and Ketch throws his hands into the air in a gesture of surrender, insisting he’s not there for a fight. Not that the Winchesters believe him. Ketch adds quickly that he’s even brought a gift and, without leaving their line of sight, hauls Gabriel into the room and sits him at the table.

Sam and Dean relax a bit, mostly in shock. They remember the night Gabriel had died – supposedly. Ketch officially has their attention. Although, given Gabriel’s state of abuse, Ketch first has to assure them he wasn’t the one to inflict the wounds, but rather Asmodeus. Ketch then informs them that he’s aware of the spell they’re working on, and that it requires archangel grace. Gabriel freaks out at the mention of his grace, forcing Ketch to grab him by the arm and hold him in place. Ketch then extracts a single, glowing vial of already-extracted grace which he’d stolen from Asmodeus’ box. He sets it on the table before also pulling out the Archangel Blade and laying it down, in offering, as well. Baffled, Sam stumbles in an attempt to ask why and Dean finally asks the easier variation: “What’s the catch?” The catch is simple. Ketch requires protection – from Asmodeus. And he can’t think of a better, safer place than the bunker. Sam opens his mouth to refuse but Dean beats him to it and accepts the offer. Shocking his brother. Dean explains that he doesn’t care about this deal, not if it means getting Mary and Jack home safe. An argument for which Sam has no counter.

Sam is sitting down with Gabriel, carefully cutting through the sutures in Gabriel’s mouth, when Dean enters the room with a packed duffle bag. Dean declares it’s time to get going, which surprises Sam, and Dean points out that there’s no point in waiting when they have everything they need. However, when Sam relents and turns to get his own things together, Dean stops him. Because he has no intention of taking Sam with him. Before they can really get into the argument Ketch enters the room, cleaned up and carrying his own bag of tricks, declaring his intent to accompany Dean. When asked why, Ketch explains that since Asmodeus will stop at nothing to find him, he feels it best to hide out on an entirely separate Earth. The fact that this alternate Earth is a war-zone doesn’t faze him. Without much difficulty Dean accepts Ketch’s offer, and when Sam expresses displeasure Dean says he doesn’t care if Ketch dies, “hell, I’m kinda rootin’ for it.” Still displeased, Sam pushes, so Dean articulates his reasoning for leaving Sam behind.

They’re the only two who’ve been to that world. Meaning if something goes wrong on the other world, and Dean and the others fail to make it back in time, Sam will still be available to open the rift. To come rescue them if need be. Sam remains opposed to the idea, but Dean’s put his foot down, leaving Sam little choice but to obey. So Sam puts the ingredients together, Dean adds some hair for the “something that’s been there,” and Sam utters the spell. The rift opens immediately, Dean sets his watch for twenty-four hours, and he and Ketch step through.

What Does This Mean for the Future?

Now that Dean’s gone off to Apocalypse World, with Ketch as backup, no less, everything’s about to hit the proverbial fan. Apocalypse World is no cake walk and twenty-four hours may not be enough time for Dean to find both Mary and Jack and make it back to the rift – all assuming Jack decides to go with him. With Jack having since vowed to kill Michael, he may be reluctant to leave.

Will Ketch survive Apocalypse World? He’s resourceful, and a proven survivor, but he’s also proven to be less than reliable. That character trait may get him in trouble – unless his goal is to escape into the wilds of another world and disappear. All of which is assuming he really is sincerely running from Asmodeus and not working a larger, deadlier scheme to turn against the Winchesters at a later time.

But Gabriel’s disappearance from Asmodeus’ cell surely won’t go unnoticed. Asmodeus will come looking for his favorite drug and it will likely be up to Sam and Castiel to protect Gabriel. The bigger question is, will Gabriel be too broken to fight? Or will he find some strength of his own to fight back with?

Rating: 8.5/10

Final Thought: We’re back on track! I’m so very happy with this episode. Not only was it, for me, such a huge step up from the crossover-that-shall-not-be-named, but we took some major strides forward, too! I especially enjoy when I don’t see the particular direction from which they arrive coming. So here are some of my thoughts on this episode, in the best order I can gather them:

Having watched it twice over now (once for the enjoyment, once for the review process), it’s occurred to me that perhaps not everything is as it seems. Well, I mean, beyond the obvious stuff. The immediate fracture of Asmodeus’ and Ketch’s alliance, specifically. Sure, ‘immediate’ might be a bit of a stretch – neither has entirely trusted the other from the start, and for good reason. It’s certainly plausible that it happened exactly the way we saw it and Ketch is now – at least about to be – the new #1 on Asmodeus’ Sh*t List. In which case, wow. Because honestly that was awesome and I want it to be that way on so many levels. I want Ketch to have at least figured out enough to break away from a freaking Prince of Hell, and to have liberated Gabriel in the process, even if it was just to piss off said Prince. Or to buy his security with the Winchesters. Perhaps both. If that’s really what it was, I didn’t see that coming and I approve!

However, after the second watch-through, I found myself wondering what if Ketch is actually using Gabriel with Asmodeus’ permission? Gabriel’s clearly a wreck, as sad as it is to see, and likely wouldn’t be able to tip off anyone about the real plan even if provided the opportunity. Asmodeus knew about the Winchester’s intent to open that rift, and while he likely doesn’t want Michael coming through it, he could well see it as an opportunity to kill at least one of the brothers. Ketch has been attempting to play the Winchesters, or at least convince them of his ‘good intentions.’ So it seems just feasible enough to me that the pair could have pieced this all together that a part of me is concerned. I mean, Asmodeus leaving his pre-bottled archangel grace laying around? His Archangel Blade unlocked? Gabriel’s cage door being so easily opened? There’s arrogance, and cockiness, and then there’s suspicious….

Either way, though, one good thing came of that scenario: the boys now know that Gabriel’s alive. A real mess, but alive. So if it is a set-up, if Gabriel does get recaptured, I wouldn’t be surprised if next season’s goal doesn’t become ‘kill Asmodeus and set Gabriel free while we’re at it.’ Though I’m still hoping Gabriel will stay hidden away in the bunker until he recovers his strength. Perhaps Cas can give him a jump-start on his healing.

Let’s not forget to mention the fact that Asmodeus has been shooting up with archangel grace! A strange combination, to be sure, but apparently it’s working for him. And I’m pretty sure we now have our answer as to how he’s acquired these extra and enhanced powers Lucifer was earlier complaining about, too. I wonder what the withdrawal is like on archangel grace? Will it be worse than when Crowley was hooked on human blood?

Moving on from that end, we also got important plot continuation mixed in with a brand-new monster hunt. Yes, a new monster hunt! It’s nice when the writers toss us one of those. Even when this one turns out to actually be some sort of alternate reality, possibly alien, god-like creature obsessed with “tentacle porn.” (Dean, I love you.) But once again you have the ‘obvious baddies’ turning out to be more like the ‘reclusive missionary-like goodies’ (who die) and the poor, mysterious victim of course eats people. Sure, why not? A monster hunt that ends up leading them to the item the boys originally came into town for in the first place – a double win!

I enjoyed the little monster side-story. It’s nice to see how the brothers handle things that aren’t always demonic or angelic, but just plain weird, and remember how it might have gone a few years earlier. Like watching Dean put money in the tabletop jukebox for the girl he’d thought had magically survived a century, all while they’re sort of casually just like ‘yeah, we do this all the time.’ And watching Dean slug it out with the Men of Letters-ish cultist types. For some reason it struck me (pardon the pun) that a fist fight with ordinary people is almost unfair – probably. Anymore they’re so used to trading blows with demons and angels and occasional other, still stronger, beings, that I’d wager they forget how hard to hit just humans. I could be wrong, it was just a thought, but Sam was out of it and not-Sandy was playing Sandy still, so Dean was doing all the fighting and pretty much winning for a while.

Speaking of, sort of, we only got a glimpse of it, but I will always love the protective brotherly thing. It’s been a favorite ‘trope’ of mine for this show since season one and I don’t see it often enough anymore. But then Sam got drugged, a fight broke out, and Sam got grabbed while Dean was stuck in a brawl half a room away. Which led to Dean’s angry line about how ‘they took his brother, he’s gonna take him back.’ Color me happy. Just a glimpse, like I said, but it was a pretty one!

All in all, though the two pieces felt separate for most of the episode, they wound it all together perfectly. Really, just in time to rip our hearts out for the season finale we all know is rapidly approaching!

Supernatural airs on The CW on Thursdays. Check your local listings for times.

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 I am also a published romance author as Rose Wulf!

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