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TELEVISION REVIEW: Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S5 Ep 17 “The Honeymoon”

The Agents continue their mission to stop the future from happening.

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Airdate April 13, 2018 ABC Fridays 9pm
Created by Joss Whedon, Jed Whedon, Maurissa Tancharoen
Production Company ABC Studios & Marvel Television

What You Should Know:

Previously on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Carl Don’t-call-him-Absorbing-Man Creel touched the Gravitonium and now can’t get voices out of his head. Glen Talbot was broken by General Hale and is a little bonkers now. And whiny little Ruby wants to be The Destroyer of Worlds.


Jemma, Leopold, and Elena have flown to Herefordshire, England in search of a weapon Hydra wants. The intel they got from Gideon Malick identified this area as a crucial R & D site for Hydra. Jemma tells Fitz she would like to come back to England for their honeymoon. The three Agents put on parachutes and dive out of the quinjet.

Coulson and Talbot continue to make their way through the snowy region they teleported to, while back at Hydra, Ruby activates the machine that transported them there. Soon she finds herself pursuing Coulson and Talbot through the snow because she just wants to kill them.

Meanwhile, on Zephyr One, Daisy and May are searching for Coulson with only Robin’s drawing to guide them. Deke questions whether the drawing represents the present or a month or a year from now. “Would it hurt for her to draw a calendar?” he asks. Daisy tells Davis to set the ship down. Anywhere.

Ruby catches up with Coulson and Talbot and just as she moves in for the kill, May, Deke and Daisy suddenly turn up to save the day! It sure was a stroke of luck going from not knowing if they were even searching in the right area to set down almost on top of Coulson! Daisy orders the two men back to the Zephyr while she goes to confront Ruby. Ruby refuses to go quietly and the two wind up fighting hand to hand, kung-fu kick to kung-fu kick.

Deke watches from behind some trees with a gun but never manages to take a shot though he has several chances. Even a missed shot would have startled Ruby enough for Daisy to get the upper hand. Finally, Daisy uses her superpowers and sends Ruby crashing into a tree and knocking her out.

Just as Daisy and Deke go to collect Ruby a hail of bullets is unleashed on them by General Hale. Deke takes a bullet and Daisy forgets about Ruby and gathers up Deke and high tails it back to the Zephyr.

Deke is losing a lot of blood and Coulson is only able to put a temporary patch on the wound which causes Deke to scream at the top of his lungs in pain. As Davis rushes to get the Zephyr back to the Lighthouse, Piper comes across Mack and lets him out of the cell.

Elsewhere, Jemma, Fitz, and Elena break into the Hydra grounds. Back on the Zephyr, we get more banter between Daisy and Deke until he collapses coughing up blood.

They wheel him into the Lighthouse on a gurney and ask Mack to get Simmons and Fitz only to find they’re AWOL. With no time to get Deke to a hospital they must rely on Piper who has had some training to be a field medic but she says she is not a surgeon so Mack steps up because he’s a mechanic and has steady hands and on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that’s all you need to perform a delicate operation.

General Hale quibbles with her daughter and then locks her in her room which has had all of Ruby’s personal things removed like her earphones. In England, Fitz is able to determine exactly where they need to go in the huge facility with his trusty tablet. They hide as Ivan shows up with his Mechs.

The operation on Deke continues in the fine hands of an almost field medic and a mechanic. Couslon again tries to explain to Talbot the future history which just makes Talbot laugh. May takes Coulson to an empty corridor to yell at him for making stupid decisions lately. But the conversation is also about Phil dying (obviously last week’s Phil dying wasn’t good enough) and how Daisy is not ready to lead yet. May tells Phil his decisions need to be made with the people who love him. May tells him she loves him.

Werner von Strucker breaks into Ruby’s room. The two of them plan to go off on their own and take the Gravitonium to make Ruby The Destroyer of Worlds.

Fitz sets off an explosion to distract Ivan and the three Agents then manage to find the room with the infusion chamber because Simmons just happened to notice a fire hose inside a box wasn’t attached to a water main. What an eye for detail. Hale and Ruby have more mother /daughter time as Ruby whines on like the bratty little bitch she is, conning her mom to let her guard down. She escapes her room and locks her mom inside. She joins Werner in the Gravitonium room where they steal everything.

Daisy and Talbot have a one on one and he apologizes to her and then rants about letting his family down until he gets Daisy to agree to try to get him connected with them just so she doesn’t have to listen to anymore.

Fitz, Simmons, and Yo-Yo start to dismantle the infusion chamber. Yo-Yo says they have to let Coulson die (so maybe last week didn’t count because Creel shocked him back to life) because her future self-said so. Then they hear someone trying to break into the room. Yo-Yo plans to go out and take away their weapons and yo back in but when she tries her arms cause her extreme pain.

Dr. Piper and Dr. Mack start to lose Deke when his vitals go whacko on the monitor. But the two skilled doctors manage to stabilize him.

Yo-Yo is in great pain. Fitz and Simmons tell her the mechanical arms weren’t meant for Yo-Yo’s high speeds and it’s overloading her nervous system. Funny, they worked ok before when she ran. The bad guys finally break into the room and the good guys are cornered. Yo-Yo manages to slip out but runs right into Ivan.

Yo-Yo and Ivan engage in some spy-fu until Yo-Yo slices his chest open and then pushes him and herself out the window, Luckily, Elena lands on Ivan’s mechanical body which cushions her fall. Ivan’s destruction causes the Mechs inside to shut down. Elena notices a plane coming in for a landing.

Finally. Deke’s operation is over and it’s a rousing success, naturally. Mack is thinking to himself he should get out of the spy line of work and go to medical school. Under a lot of drugs, Deke mumbles about wanting to put his mouth on Daisy’s mouth and move it around but only if Daisy wants it because he respects her as a woman and doesn’t want to face sexual harassment charges.

Ruby and Werner Alex Braun von Strucker enter the room and point their guns at Simmons and Fitz and demand they fix the equipment. Fitz says “We don’t have a choice. We never did”.

Epilogue: Daisy, empathizing with Talbot over the whole family thing, brings him a phone to talk to his wife Carla. He tells her to tell their son he loves him very much and that he is getting better. Carla then starts reading to him that his doctor said it’s best he comply. And to remember his compliance will be rewarded. In the room with her is Hale’s assistant. Carla asks Glen if he is ready to comply. Talbot, in a completely serious tone, says “I’m happy to”.

What This Means For The Future:

Mack finds out S.H.I.E.L.D. hasn’t been paying him since the government shut them down and declared the Agents outlaws so he has no money to go to medical school. He decides to stay on at S.H.I.E.L.D. anyway rather than face the prospect of student loans. The team must find a way to stop Ruby before the prophesied chain reaction that can destroy the Earth is put into motion. Next: “All Roads Lead…”.

Final Thought: These people are all over the place, jetting all over the world in what seems like minutes. It’s pushed my suspension of disbelief to the breaking point. The convenience of Daisy finding the exact spot where Coulson is is by running a child’s scribbled drawing through their computers…Mack diving in like he was Dr. Oz and performing delicate surgical moves and shoving his fingers into Deke’s wound because it needed to be clamped…Ruby and Werner standing in Hydra USA and moments later they’re in England…and coming up with yet another excuse to keep someone from using their superpowers. The show’s team of drunken chimpanzees must be working overtime to write this stuff.

Then there’s a moment at the beginning where Simmons says to Fitz she thought England would be a great place to take their honeymoon if they ever get around to taking one. I believe it’s another clue that either she or Fitz isn’t going to make it. That’s probably why they titled this episode “The Honeymoon”.

Rating: 6/10

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. airs Fridays at 9:00 on most ABC stations. Check your local listings.


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