Bloodreina continues to spiral into darkness as she grasps tightly onto whatever power she can. Will her bloodlust lead her to letting Bellamy die?
The 100 – “The Warriors Will”, Season 5, Episode 10
Airdate: July 17th, 2018
Director: Henry Ian Cusick
Writer: Julie and Shawna Benson
Based on the Book by: Kass Morgan
What You Should Know:
After taking The Flame, Madi is whisked away by Clarke, leaving Bellamy, Indra, and Gaia to the wrath of Bloodreina and the fractured Wonkru. In the Valley, civil war continues between Diyoza and McCreary. McCreary has captured Abby while the others fled.
What You’ll Find Out:
Octavia has lost the support of Wonkru, with half of her people refusing to march to her senseless war. In an effort to regain their support, Octavia decides to put Bellamy, Indra, and Gaia in the arena to remind her people what happens to enemies of Wonkru. Octavia visits Monty and Harper in the hydro-farm to attempt to recruit him to talk to Bellamy and ensure that Bellamy is the last man standing in the arena, but discovers that all of the work Monty and Harper have been doing in the farm is yielding results, providing hope that the Valley is not the only viable living space. Despite being told repeatedly that there are other options, Bloodreina instead goes forth with the arena fight, only to have Monty interrupt it with his beacon of hope, turning Wonkru on their deceitful leader. In response, Octavia burns the hydro-farm down, forcing Wonkru to march to war.
Back in Shadow Valley, McCreary finds himself in a stand-off with Abby. While McCreary is slowly dying, Abby is dealing with withdrawals from her withheld drugs. Abby manages to covertly recruit Vinson to score her some drugs, and by the time Madi and Clarke make their way to her rescue, Abby appears to have overdosed.
What Just Happened?
Octavia admonishes Monty’s efforts, claiming that the farmers will not save the people. “The warriors will.” In Polis, we see the age-old debate of why we war played out in the microcosm of Wonkru. Is the fight necessary for survival or is it the will of the ruling elite in the attempts to seize more power? Can we have peace? There are questions being asked throughout this season that speak directly to “human nature” in relation to survival, of course, but also adaptability. Octavia’s transformation into Bloodreina was an act born out of desperation, but her inability to revert back to Octavia is the underpinning of this entire season. We see a mirrored image in Clarke and her inability to assimilate back into society. Even when it appears she is ready, her relationship with Madi always seems to shroud those efforts, pushing Clarke towards isolation with her “daughter”.
This episode, directed by none other than Henry Ian Cusick, was among the best episodes of a strong season despite being the most maddening episode to date. The more poor decisions made by Octavia and Clarke occur, the more clear the overall narrative seems to be in regards to the philosophical takes on survival and society become.
Rating: 9/10
Final Thought: The next episode, titled “The Dark Year”, seems poised to answer a number of lingering questions, particularly regarding Octavia’s bloodlust and Abby’s addiction.
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