The Wheel of Time

A magical woman searches for the prophesized return of a powerful wielder of magic that will protect the world from the return of the "Dark One". Four young adults join her, as she believes one of them to be the savior.
Spoiler Level: Moderate
There are two ways to review a television show based on a beloved book series, like The Wheel of Time penned by Robert Jordan. The first is by comparing it to the source material and pointing out the differences and the plot line deviations. The second is to take it as its own separate entity and review it on its own merits. I will mostly be doing the latter, as I have not read the books, but I have talked with a few fans of the series and have a good inkling of some of the changes made. In addition, this review looks only at the first episode of the series.
Having not read the books, it did take me a bit to get acclimated to the general plot. There is a lot of information to cover in a very short amount of time, and it is difficult to do this without it feeling forced or clumsy. The show handles it gracefully, but it does mean you must pay close attention to not get lost. Moiraine (Rosamund Pike) is an Aes Sedai, a channeler of the magic and elemental forces known as the “One Power”. Years before, Lews Therin Telamon (a.k.a. The Dragon) tore the world apart due to the male portion of the “One Power” being corrupted by the Dark One, a force of primordial evil akin to Satan. Moiraine and Lan Mandragoran (Daniel Henney), her protector, are searching for the reincarnation of The Dragon, who it was prophesized was born twenty years before. She is drawn to the area known as the “Two Rivers” and believes that it is one of four young adults. After an attack on their village by Trollocs, beast like creatures who follow the Dark One, the four must leave all they know to travel to the White Tower, the home of the Aes Sedai to save their home from certain destruction.
I want to get the negative out of the way. Like I said, I had trouble following the plot at first, this did subside, and really isn’t a negative, but wow was there a lot of information thrown at you very quickly. In addition, they did something that really needs to stop. The story introduces a female character for the sole purpose of killing in order to further along the plot of a male character. This is referred to as “Fridging”. The term was coined by comic book writer Gail Simone. What is striking to me, is that the Wheel of Time seems to be a feminist story. The pure power is only accessible to women and the male power is tainted and evil, because of this, most societies are led by women. So why, in a world led by women, would the writers of this series do something as sexist as “fridging”. To an extent, this may just be so engrained in our current culture, that they didn’t even realize they were doing it. When I was studying theatre arts in college, we called it “Raising the Stakes”. The emotional empathy we feel towards a character is heightened by adding a more tragic aspect to their story. The thing is, it is rare when a male character is killed to further the plot of a female character. I am hoping that the more this is pointed out as unacceptable in todays culture, that writers will begin to find other ways to advance plotlines. (officially stepping off my soapbox now)
Now, on to the good. The visual aspect of this series is just stunning. The very locations are beautiful and keep with the communing with nature theme that from what I understand is part of the books. From green fields and the crystal water of the rivers to the golden lanterns and earthy taverns were all gorgeously presented. The magic that Moiraine wields was beautifully represented. The imagery entices you to keep watching as it hints at future plot points. And I am sure some this was “Easter Eggs” for those who have read the books. The story is interesting with a rich back history that I am sure will be fleshed out as the series progresses. With 14 volumes and several companion books, this series could go on for some time. The script was well written, and the dialogue flowed well, without feeling forced or fake.
The cast is well chosen, Madeleine Madden as Egwene brings a sense of confliction of spirit to her character as she must chose between her love for Rand and her future as a leader and protector to the village known as a “Wisdom”. Rand (Josha Stradowski) plays the strong and virtuous character well with care and loving towards his friends and family. Marcus Rutherford as Perrin and Barney Harris as Mat Cauthon are both capable actors and I look forward to seeing their characters progress. There is an instant connection you feel with these characters, which helps with the empathic bond between character and audience. But the real standout to me was Rosamund Pike as Moiraine, she encompassed a type of arrogance and kindness akin to being royalty. Her composure and voice commands respect, but with an elegance and grace. There is a part of me that wants to dislike her for her very stature, but there is another part of me that connected with her. I am sure as the story progresses; all these characters will change and grow and it will be exciting to see how that dynamically changes their relationship to each other.
I’d like to thank fellow Comic-Watcher Gabriel De Jesus for his aid with the literary material from the book.
Final Thoughts
Overall the episode was well done with gorgeous imagery and an intriguing plot, with plenty of sword and sorcery type action! Most fans of the book series I have talked to, find that the changes made to the plot were either good or didn't detract from the storyline.
The Wheel of Time: The Circular Path
- Writing - 9/109/10
- Storyline - 10/1010/10
- Acting - 9/109/10
- Music - 9/109/10
- Production - 9/109/10