Celebrating the long-awaited release of Justice League, Interstellar Comics in Palm Springs, CA is having a BIG SALE on ALL DC COMICS!
Beginning our COMIC SHOP SATURDAY series, Comic Watch wants our readers to be in touch with their local comic shops. By supporting them, we support the very business we love so much, COMICS.
This weekend, Interstellar Comics in Palm Springs will be offering ALL DC COMICS AND TRADES AT 25% OFF!
They have a great selection of comics and the latest Trade Paperbacks, as well as collectibles like statues and Funko’s! (Only Comics and Trades are 25% off)
Interstellar Comic Books and Collectibles provides the latest printings of beloved comic book characters to the local Palm Springs area! Shipping available!
You can see more photos here: Interstellar Comics – Palm Springs, CA
And their Facebook page here: Interstellar Comics Homepage
If you would like your comic shop featured in an upcoming COMIC SHOP SATURDAY, please let us know!