“Time. Space. Reality. There are countless stories throughout this Multiverse of Marvels. And countless choices as well. A choice made on one world in one universe can have multiple ramifications. And I have observed them all for I am The Watcher. Case in point: Thor Odinson and Hercules son of Zeus.
Zeus, outraged at Thor’s disrespect and the lack of belief from the mortals, tasks his son, the demi-god to bring respect and fear for the gods back to humanity who has begun to worship superheroes instead of the old gods or mythology. Amidst unprecedented lighting storms caused by Zeus, Hercules travels to Earth and enters into New Asgard in search for Thor, the God of Thunder and Odin’s son. He goes to the Black Raven Tavern while on his quest but finds no Odinson to be in attendance and is informed that he is not on Midgard (Earth). Distraught by this, Hercules orders an ale and begins to drink and the more he drinks, the angrier he becomes at not finding his target. Meanwhile, Doctor Stephen Strange, sensing the danger that Zeus and Hercules, a demi-god, could pose to Earth, he astral projects himself through time and space to Valhalla, where he asks Heimdall for help in locating Thor who is out galivanting around the cosmos with Gor’s daughter Love.
Even though Heimdall was killed by Hela, he still retains his all seeing powers and readily helps Dr. Strange locate the son of Odin. Knowing that Thor may need convincing, he allows Jane Foster, also in Valhalla, to Astral Project and guides her to Thor’s location. And with a Sling-Ring portal opened, Jane explains to her love that Zeus and Hercules intend on punishing humanity until the mortals return to worshipping the gods of old. Thor, compelled by the site of his true love and her stirring words, and after tenderly saying goodbye once again to the visage of Jane Foster, travels through the portal back to New Asgard and the Black Raven Tavern to face an old friend. Hercules and Thor have long been acquainted and you may even say were childhood friends, and rivals, and enemies and everything in between. “Stop this Nonsense!” Thor bellows to the inebriated Hercules, who beckons his brother god to sit down and join him for a pint. “I don’t want to fight you brother, but Zeus is right, the mortal’s need to be reminded of who we are” Hercules says while quaffing his beer. “Do you not feel their belief in you slip away? Do you not care”. Thor drinks and thinks and recants, “No brother! There was a time that I cared, and maybe there will be a time again, but I lived as a mortal for a short time and came to understand them better. They are fickle and lack understanding, but their lives are short and whether or not they believe in me, has no effect on my existence. I do not need their belief, fear, or worship”. Hercules nods, understanding what this means. “Then we fight!” he says. “We Fight!” Thor says with a rye smile and a glint in his eyes. “But not here. This tavern should be a safe place for Asgardian’s, who have been through enough!” Thor whistles looking up into the air at nothing, “Strange! Open a portal thingy to someplace appropriate…where no one gets hurt”. And just like that a Sling-Ring portal opens and on the other side the empty cliffs edge just outside of New Asgard. “I knew he was eavesdropping!”.
The two gods square off against each other. Hercules wielding the Golden Mace crafted by Hephaestus and Thor once again wielding Mjolnir his beloved hammer. Their battle framed by thunder and lighting caused both by Thor and by Zeus. Swing for swing and blow for blow the two were equally matched in strength and power (and in stunning good looks!). Hercules, slamming his mace down towards Thor’s head, is parried by Mjolnir and for several seconds the two are frozen as their powers are so equally matched that one cannot gain the upper hand over the other. Thor leans in close as the two struggle and grapple and says to Hercules, “As much fun as this is, you need to stop your father. We are god’s what care have we if the mortal’s worship us, hate us, love us or abandon us. We are gods all the same and should be above this petty jealousy”, but before Hercules can respond, his half brother Ares, the God of War, attacks the two and catching them off guard knocks them down and a battalion of soldiers from across the universe gathered by Ares to attack and take over Earth and using Zeus’ own attack as the perfect opportunity to defeat the meager mortal defenses and finally gain control of this realm.
Hercules yells, “Brother?”
Ares responds, “Half-Brother! You are no match for me! You are born of mortal and only a demi god…you are no match for a full blooded diety!”
Thor “But he is not alone! And I am a full blooded God!”
The two power houses forming a team make quick work of the battalion Thor expertly swinging Mjolnir and Hercules wielding the Golden Mace soon have Ares on the run and back to whatever hole he crawled out of. The two tired and bloodied warriors return to the Black Raven Tavern, order a beer and sit to regain their strength, relish in a battle well thought and reminisce about better times when the two were not at odds.
After many drinks, ” Hercules solemnly says, “You are right my friend, the human’s need not believe in us but they do need our protection. The likes of Ares, Thanos…”
“Ultron”, Thor interrupts.
With Hercules concluding, “…but father will not be pleased”
“He will get over it, believe me, I have disappointed my father many a time!”
“I think I will stay on Earth for a while” Hercules muses.
“I know Earth’s mightiest heroes could use a new God on their team! I will put in a good word!” and with that Thor gets up and without even having to ask, walks through the Sling-Ring portal that knowingly appeared to rejoin Love on their new adventures.
Hercules finishes his beer turns to leave and a portal appears with the Avenger’s compound on the other side.
“These are my stories. I observe all that transpires here in the Multiverse, but I do not, cannot, will not interfere. For I am…The Watcher.”

The Watcher (voiced by Jeffrey Wright) in Marvel Studios’ WHAT IF…? exclusively on Disney+. ©Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved.